Still haven't entered our Youtube account @MACbioIdiProject..? We invite you to see how we work in the most ambitious project of the Rector ULPGC ULPGC Jose Pablo Suárez on #tecnologíamédica for the #desarrollosostenible #ull click here: Https://
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Senegal’s Military school expands knowledge of MACbioIDi

We have more and more students learning about medical technology for sustainable development. Proof of this are the classes that are taught at the military school in Senegal. We feel so satisfied, because our project crosses borders making progresses in Science, tehcnology, innovation.
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Canary NAMIC. 25-29 June 2018

We are already completing the preparations to welcome the hundred researchers, technicians, engineers and professionals from Europe, the United States, Africa and the Macaronesia who will come to the Canary Islands to participate in the meeting of the #NAMICanarias2018. We will gather most of the days in the halls, classrooms
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Training on 3DSlicer in Hospital de Nouakchott is already being given to the course received by doctors and engineers from #Mauritania #Africa and who were able to learn the new techniques @MACbioIDi #medtec4susdev #Harvard #ulpgc #ull about Medical technology.
Continue reading?DÍA 17. Campaign MACbioIDi 2018 "Woman and Science" ? ?? ?

Today Thursday we bring the phrase chosen from our colleague Soraya García "words. Words. I play with words, hoping that some combination, even a random combination, say what I want. " Doris Lessing ???? #medtec4susdev #felizjueves
Continue reading? DAY 16. Campaign MACbioIDi 2018 "Woman and Science" ????

? DAY 16. Campaign MACbioIDi 2018 “Woman and Science” ???? Our phrase chosen for Friday of our companion Nayra Pumar “Defend your right to think because even thinking wrongly is better than not thinking” Hypatia of Alexandria ??? ? # medtec4susdev
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We are already on the verge of celebrating one of the largest international meetings of work teams of the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing # NAMIC2018 #Canarias #GranCanaria ? #MACbioIDi # medtec4susdev ?You can see all the information: https: //medtec4susdev.github .io / ProjectDemoProgressing / # slide = 1
Continue reading? DAY 15. Campaign MACbioIDi 2018 "Woman and Science" ????

#mujer #ciencia Our phrase chosen for today Thursday comes from our partner Guillermo Socorro: "The adventure has value by itself". Amelia Earhart # medtec4susdev ????? # HappyJueves
Continue reading?DAY 14. Campaign MACbioIDi 2018 "Woman and Science" ????

#mujer #ciencia Today we bring the phrase chosen by our colleague Ana Ruth Vidal #ulpgc “If you are creative, you must be a dissident” Nawal El-Saadawi # medtec4susdev ????? # HappyLunes
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