Monday has been in the newspaper La Provincia a report of journalist Masu Hernández on our project #MACbioIdi #medtec4susdev #ulpgc #ull A recognition of the work we have been doing since we started our journey Interreg MAC 2014-2020 Http://
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MACbioIDi in the newspaper La Provincia
Monday has been in the newspaper La Provincia a report of journalist Masu Hernández on our project #MACbioIdi #medtec4susdev #ulpgc #ull A recognition of the work we have been doing since we started our journey Interreg MAC 2014-2020
Continue readingThe ULPGC awards the scholarships of the chair of Medical Technologies
Today it has been delivered in the classroom of Stone of the University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria ULPGC of the scholarships of the chair of Medical Technologies. The Vice-Rector for research, innovation and transfer of the ULPGC Jose Pablo Suárez, gave two of these scholarships that will finance
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We could not leave the United States without a visit to the Martinos Center, at the General Hospital of Masssachusetts #Boston for us it has been another of the star visits we made on our trip @USA @Harvard. The Martinos Center is the world's leading brain research center and a
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Meeting working with our collaborator Nikos Makris
We took advantage of our visit to the United States to make a protocalira visit and to hold a meeting with our collaborator Nikos Makris, director of the Anázulus Morphometric Center of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University. MacbioIDi is nourished by the knowledge, development of projects and innovative techniques
Continue readingFinalize the 27th NA-MIC Project Week in Massachusetts
And today we have ended these wonderful days that we have shared in Boston with colleagues from different countries of the world. It's been an amazing experience. We want to thank the work and effort of the two main organizers of the event, Ron Kikinis and Tina Kapur, without whose
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It has been for the whole team of the ULPGC-ULL MACbioIdi #medtec4susdev Interreg-MAC an honor to have in the 27th NA-MIC Project Week at MIT Massachusetts to Mike Halle, instructor #radiología @HarvardHealth Medical School, and director of technology development of the Surgical planing Lab Brigham and women's Hospital #ulpgc #ull
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Today was the last day of the 27th NA-MIC Project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) at the seminar of the Laboratory of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence CSAIL-mit #Boston #Massachusetts as a conclusion of the #NAMIC several members of our team #ulpgc #ull #Macbioidi #medtec4susdev #IslasCanarias #IAC has
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Amazing what gives the virtual reality in medical technologies! #medtec4susdev ???? We are all enjoying and learning at the same time the advances that are presented in this American edition. The entire @INTERREGMAC team #MACbioIDi of #Canarias @canarias_es @ULPGC @CanalULL We are delighted to have gone to the United States
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