

Nayra Pumar PatentsWeek

Today’s session is about the different ways to protect the software, and the requirements to make it a patent. Alternative or complementary protections for software (computer programs), Escrow contracts, Copyright deposit, Industrial property, Industrial secrecy, Creative Commons, free software and open source Licenses. Training aimed at the informatics, engineering and

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October 19 in California (usa) ‘ Train the Trainers: Medical technology for the sustainable Development of Africa ‘ in the IEEE Global humanitarian technology

Professor Juan Ruiz Alzola will present on October 19, in San José (California), The research work on train the Trainers: Medical technology for the sustainable Development of Africa training in the IEEE Global humanitarian technology . The meeting will take place from 18 to 21 october, with international experts offering

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Session of the Canary NAMIC at Casa Africa to showcase Senegal's progress in the use of free software in biomedical research

Within the framework of the NAMIC Gran Canaria 2018, a meeting that brings together experts from around the world in the field of free software and computational tools and infrastructure for biomedical research, participants moved to Casa Africa this afternoon to Participate in a session in which the military school

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