
Session of the Canary NAMIC at Casa Africa to showcase Senegal's progress in the use of free software in biomedical research

Within the framework of the NAMIC Gran Canaria 2018, a meeting that brings together experts from around the world in the field of free software and computational tools and infrastructure for biomedical research, participants moved to Casa Africa this afternoon to Participate in a session in which the military school of Senegal has shown its progress in the practical application of a technology developed by the Medical School of Harvard University.

The meeting was attended by the Ambassador of Senegal in Spain, Mamadou Sow, and the consul of Senegal in Las Palmas, Katia Van Bockel. The appointment has been chaired by the Professor of ULPGC in signal theory and communications, researcher affiliated to the IAC and principal investigator of the MACbioIDi project, Juan Ruiz Alzola, who has managed to bring this prestigious event to the Canary Islands. Also involved are Tina Kapur, Project weeks director and head of the radiology department at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School; Michael Halle, Brigham and women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA. usa Andras Lasso of Queen's University Canada; Babacar Diao, of the Ecole Militaire de Santé Dakar (Senegal).

The NAMIC meeting has African, European and American representatives, and in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, this group of 60 researchers have put in common the advances generated in the computation of medical images and the creation of solutions that use the Open source platform, which the same participants in the group manage, improve and develop collectively. The participants work in common looking for effective resources of informatics, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering and medicine.