
The formation and evolution of galaxies, through the work done by women

The formation and evolution of the galaxies, is the field of study of Dr. Adriana de Lorenzo-Cáceres that last Friday closed the III cycle women and science with his talk "The astronomers that fought the war of the galaxies", in the Casa Colón.

From Hipatia and Caroline Herschel to Francoise Combes, going through figures like those of Beatrice Hill Tinsley or Sandra Moore. From the barred galaxies to dark matter or black holes. Adriana explained terms and approached the public physical concepts that help to understand where we are. He also shared personal and professional aspects of a group of astrophysicists who throughout history waged the "Star Wars". Many men have also been spared, but this talk explores the feminine side of astrophysics.

With this talk is closed this III cycle woman and Science in the city of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria. They have been a total of four, which have focused on economics, agricultural engineering, computer engineering and astrophysics. In all of them the guiding thread has been the presence of women and their outstanding work in these areas.