
MACbioIDi participates in the 30th NA-MIC Proyect Week

The MACbioIDi project team participates from next week in two important events:

On the one hand, the organization of the third project training Workshop in which African, American and European professionals will carry out training activities and share their knowledge for project development. The technology applied to health sciences will be the central focus of these days devoted to research, development and training.

From January 28th will be launched the 30th NA-MIC Proyect Week, organized between professionals of SPL and ULPGC where over a week will be conducted workshops and working days in which researchers in computer imaging medical create Solutions using the Open source platform 3d Slicer and the Libraries VTK, and ITK, among other technologies. Attendees to this event will work collaboratively in solutions with marked technological profile, computer science, mechanical engineering, or biomedical engineering, among others, applied to medicine.

Unlike other workshops and conferences in which the main objective is to report the results, the objective of these events is to provide a place for software developers to work collaboratively, both throughout the week and Posing future projects.