The Canary Islands becomes the first international HUB of medical Technologies for Africa and the MACARONESIA
-ULPGC and Harvard University professionals have trained about twenty physicians, engineers and researchers in medical technologies for sustainable development #medtec4susdev. They come from various African countries and Macaronesia.
Continue readingFull team of the 1st International Training seminar on medical Technologies for African countries and the Macaronesia-Gran Canaria.
Visit to the IUIBS #MACbioIDi of the vice-Chancellor for internationalization and cooperation of the ULPGC, Richard Clouet
Today we received the visit of Richard Clouet, vice-rector of internationalization and cooperation of the ULPGC, at the 1st International Seminar on Medical Technology training that we are celebrating during March at the University Institute of Biomedical and Sanitary Research (IUIBS) research center of the University of Las Palmas de Gran
Continue reading▶ ️ Day 4. MACbioIDi Campaign 2018 "Woman and Science" Almudena Sánchez Villegas
Sentence chosen by Almudena Sánchez Villegas, University Professor in the area of Preventive Care and Public Health at the ULPGC. “Lock up your libraries, if you like, but there is no gate, no lock no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind” #VirginiaWolf. Almudena Sánchez Villegas
Continue readingVisit to the laboratory of practices of the Faculty of Nursing of the ULPGC
The delegation of researchers, doctors and engineers of #Senegal #Mauritania #CaboVerde #Mozambique visited the facilities of the laboratory of practices of the Faculty of Nursing. His dean informed them in detail about the nursing studies in the #ULPGC and how students learn the subjects.
Continue reading▶ ️ Day 3. MACbioIDi campaign 2018 "Women and Science"
▶ Day 3. MACbioIDi Campaign 2018 “Women and Science” ? ?? ? The phrase chosen by our colleague Abián Hernández #MACbioIDi #ulpgc “You must not fear anything in life, you just have to understand” #MarieCurie ??? ♀ ? ?? ?? ?
Continue readingCampaign "Woman and Science" famous phrase chosen by Araben of the Walnut
MACbioIDi Campaign 2018 in support of “Woman and Science” ? ?? ? ▶ Day 2. Phrase chosen by Araben of the walnut #Física #MACbioIDi #ulpgc “Each one of you can change the world, for you are made of star stuff, and you are connected to the universe” #VeraRubin. We
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MACbioIDi Campaign 2018 in support of “Woman and Science” ? ?? ? Today we begin a campaign in which all those people who are part of our project Interreg MAC 2014-2020 #MacbioIdi #medtec4susdev of the ULPGC and who have voluntarily selected a relevant phrase they liked from some researcher, scientist, doctor
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The MACbioIDi project shows its support for women. Join us.
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