We have presented in Prague through the presence of our project partner Marilola Afonso Our results of methodology and research at the 20th International Congress on Education, Research and Innovation ICERI 2018 the central objective of the MACbioIDI is to develop medical technology and training programs that can be used in the participating territories of Macaronesia and Africa, paying attention to its social and business transfer the ICERI 2018 has gathered on March 22nd and 23rd to Leading scientists, researchers and academics to exchange and share experiences and research results on all aspects of education, research and innovation. It also provides the main interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the latest innovations, trends and concerns, the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of education, research and innovation. With this objective, this Thursday, the first session of the 20th International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI) is starring María Dolores Afonso Suárez, one of the members of the MACbioIDi team, who presents the methodology Used in the creation of learning content for the African countries of Senegal, Mauritania and Cape Verde, developed within the framework of the MACbioIDi, an Interreg European project for international cooperation and development. Of this work that is exhibited in Prague have been co-authors Juan Ruiz Alzola and Nayra Pumar races. In the presentation it is known that from the use of agendas or very simple schedules, to detailed studies, there have been several attempts to use a methodological approach in the creation of teaching contents. Some of these studies include the pros and cons of using different tools or even a comparison chart that points to similarities and differences between them. This research deals with the use of a methodology for creating e-learning-teleformation, on-line training or virtual teaching-for learning objects. Indicators are collected throughout the process to determine whether they respond to the main objectives of an engineering discipline. These parameters will also indicate whether it is necessary to revise the creation cycle and reset any phase. Within the project developed for this study, in addition to the use of structured methods, there has been a central objective: the establishment of an atmosphere of learning, a place where all the professionals involved can collaborate, plan, Solve problems and determine guidelines to be followed to develop creative and innovative solutions. It has been described as a mixed learning program with an evaluation plan that proposes classroom lessons, coaching, collaboration, multimedia and Web-based learning objects as well as support resources. This project has been drawn as a long-term task and the pilot-designed teaching actions provide the preliminary results object of study. MACbioIDi “Promoting the cohesion of the RUPs Macaronesian through a common ICT platform for Biomedical research” is an Interreg-MAC project that coordinates the ULPGC through the vice-Rector for internationalization and cooperation. The project promotes the scientific, formative and business activity of global reach in the field of medical TICs, and in it participate more than 31 partners from the Canary Islands, Madeira, Azores, Cape Verde, Mauritania, Senegal, peninsular Spain and the United States. Its objective is to develop medical technology and training programs that can be used in the participating territories, paying attention to their social and business transfer. Its director and principal investigator is Juan Ruiz Alzola, professor of the ULPGC in theory of the signal and the communications and researcher affiliated to the IAC. More information about the ICERI 2018 Congress:
#MACbioIDi defends in Prague the engineering of content creation of e-learning for African countries. ICERI 2018.

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