Author: Servicio De Comunicación

The formation and evolution of galaxies, through the work done by women

The formation and evolution of the galaxies, is the field of study of Dr. Adriana de Lorenzo-Cáceres that last Friday closed the III cycle women and science with his talk "The astronomers that fought the war of the galaxies", in the Casa Colón. From Hipatia and Caroline Herschel to Francoise
Continue readingNewspaper La PROVINCIA: ULPGC and astrophysicist develop technology to prevent diabetic footing

Newspaper the province: Canarian scientists study "The health" of the mummies Guanches through a TAC

From mathematics to software engineering. Progress in women.

The Vice-President and director of the Temisas Astronomical Observatory Foundation, Mario Villanueva, presented yesterday the last talk of the III Cycle Women and science held in Agüimes. With the mathematics as a conductor, the researcher Marilola Afonso, member of the GTMA Research group that develops his work in the University
Continue reading‘ From mathematics to software engineering. Progress in women ‘, in the III Cycle women and science

The researcher of the University Institute of Biomedical and Sanitary Research (IUIBS) of the ULPGC, María Dolores Afonso, participates today in the III Cycle woman and science with the talk ‘ of the mathematics to the software engineering. Progress in women ‘. In it, the researcher will explain to schoolchildren
Continue readingEngineering has a woman's name: Ingenious women you must know, in the III Cycle women and science

The engineer of the Astrophysics Institute of Canarias, Paz Alonso Arias will participate tomorrow, February 27, in the III cycle women and science with his talk ' engineering has a woman's name: Ingenious women you must know '. In the presentation of his talk the engineer jokes by stating "If
Continue readingAda Byron protagonist of the third talk in the III Cycle Women and science held at the Casa Colón

"Ada Byron and the beginnings of computational thinking" was the talk given by Dr. Coromoto León, professor of computer languages and systems at the University of La Laguna framed within the III cycle women and Science, held last Friday, 22 February, in the House of Columbus. During his intervention, Leon
Continue reading' Silenced stars: Women in Astronomy ' by Dr. Sandra Benítez Herrera.
The III cycle women and Science welcomes today this talk with which we will meet great astronomers who since ancient times have made fundamental contributions to the advancement of astronomy. From Hypatia to Vera Rubin, Benítez will take a tour of some of the most fascinating discoveries of astronomy that
Continue readingWalnut Arabica collects first prize in the short/animated video demonstrative "Proyecto Women scientific Canarias

Conference of the Telefónica ULPGC2019 University "Siglo XXI" The professor of the walnut, patron of the Temisas Astronomical Observatory Foundation and researcher in the medical and Audiovisual Technology group, picked up yesterday, Thursday 21 February, the first prize for the short/animated video demonstrative "Proyecto mujeres Canarias ", one of the
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