The III cycle women and Science welcomes today this talk with which we will meet great astronomers who since ancient times have made fundamental contributions to the advancement of astronomy. From Hypatia to Vera Rubin, Benítez will take a tour of some of the most fascinating discoveries of astronomy that
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General talks
III Cycle Women and Science: astrophysics (s) of high energies: hunting Gamma-ray binaries by Alicia López

The researcher of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, Dr. Alicia Lopez, participates this afternoon in the III cycle women and science with the Talk ' astrophysics (s) of high energies: hunting gamma-ray binaries ' in which he will talk about the gamma-ray astronomy and, Specifically, about the
Continue readingThe advantages of being a woman in technology companies and science and the model of the ' Superhens ' in the III Cycle women and science

"The advantages of being a woman in technology companies and science" is the title of the talk that the Doctor of Agronomic engineering of the ULPGC, M ª del Pino Palacios imparted last Friday, day 15 in the House of Columbus. In this second talk of the III cycle women
Continue readingThe Galaxy and women in the technological enterprise in the III Cycle women and science

The III cycle women and Science offers today, 15 February, a double session that will take place in Las Palmas of Gran Canaria and in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Thus, in the Casa de Colón of the Cabildo of Gran Canaria, at 19:30h, Maria del Pino Palacios Díaz, professor of
Continue reading' Turism innovation ' in the III women and science cycle by Laura Santana

Lucía Santana Sardinia, winner in 2018 of the second prize in the I contest Telefónica Chair of the University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria for his Final work of master ' potential and challenges of the big Data in tourist destinations ', will offer today, Thursday 14, at 19:30
Continue reading' Ada Byron and the beginnings of computational thinking ' in the II Cycle women and science

Dr. Coromoto León Hernández of the University of La Laguna (ULL) participates this afternoon in the III cycle women and science with the talk ' Ada Byron and the beginnings of computational thinking '. It will analyze the life and legacy of Augusta Ada King, "Countess of Lovelace", who was
Continue readingIII Cycle Women and Science: "The economy is a grim science" (Beatriz González)

"The economy is a grim science", so began the talk of the professor of ULPGC Beatriz González López Valcarcel last Friday 8 at the House of Columbus. With this talk has begun the third cycle women and science organized by the Canary Foundation Astronomical Observatory of Temisas, the association INVEPA
Continue readingIt starts the III cycle Woman and Science in Las Palmas of Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The III cycle women and science starts today in Las Palmas of Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife with the presentations of Beatriz González López-Valcárcel (ULPGC) and Candelaria Hernández Goya (Universidad de La Laguna (ULL). The professor of quantitative methods in economics and management of the University of Las
Continue readingGiving visibility to the Canarian scientific woman

On the occasion of International Women's and girls ' day in science, activities will be carried out on 11 February in order to give visibility to the scientific woman. In the Canary Islands, for the third consecutive year is organized the cycle of lectures "woman and Science" which, as a
Continue readingVisit to the Cueva Pintada Gáldar Museum of the participants of the 30th Na-MIC Project Week

The museum and Archaeological Park Cueva Pintada de Gáldar received the visit of about thirty professionals of the medicine and the engineering of the prestigious universities of Harvard in the United States, and of Canada, participants in the 30th NA-MIC Project Week 2019.
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